visit Iris at Grace Alone.
What a week it has been around the Davis household this week. I stand in awe, once again at the majesty and the faithfulness of our Father, Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to be called His daughter. He is my King.
"That I may proclaim with the voice of thanksgiving, And tell of all Your wondrous works." Psalm 26:7
-I am thankful for the strength God has given me this week as my hubby has been out of town all week. I praise God that He is coming home tomorrow night. My husband has to do a decent amount of travel with his job and God has used that time (and over many years) to teach me so much about submission with JOY (I have been a slow learner, but my husband says he sees the growth...thank you Jesus!)
God has also used my husband's travel to teach me more and more about faith in Him alone. Trusting Him. I don't like being alone. When Barclay is gone, I feel like my covering is missing. I get scared at nighttime and usually stay up really late so that when I go to bed I am really tired and Satan can't mess with my mind...which often happens and fear falls like a blanket over me and I tell you I think I hear every noise in my house thinking that someone is coming in to do me and my children harm. My mind goes to places that I know grieves the heart of God. I praise God that this week, that hasn't happened once. My mind is on God and I know and believe that even if someone broke into my home, God is my protector and my ultimate covering. If He chooses to call me home....I will be in His presence! I trust Him. What a journey that has been. Thank you Jesus for the work He has done in my heart to get me to the place where I can accept my husband's travel, and fall asleep each night he is gone....trusting in my Father's protection.
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7
-Thank you Lord, for the Godly women you have surrounded me with as I lead the mom's ministry at our church and am wading through the new waters of being the Women's Ministry Coordinator, as well. My plate is so full right now....but God is faithful and He equips for all that He calls us to. I have been asking Him to get rid of the time robbers of my day so that I am doing exactly what He wants me doing, when He wants me doing it. It means I have been up rather late most nights, but again, praising Him for the strength He has given....and my hour nap today!
-Thank you Jesus, for bringing my mom here for the week and for the blessed time we have had with her. I'll post later about our trip apple picking....or should I say the huge hike to the apple orchard with 5 children and my mother (who walks with a cane because of a stroke), which my children later said was the equivalent of 4 football fields! But....I praise you Lord because you blessed us with a glorious day. My children loved it. My mother was more than thrilled to pick Jonagold apples, which are her favorite (mind you, they were the farthest most apples in the field....but to see the joy and smile on my mother's face.....worth it!) The children were obedient, they helped carry the apples, gave Faith piggy back rides when my back was killing me, the sun was shining so brightly and to see the compassion and gentleness my children displayed for their grandmother....thank you Lord.
-Thank you Jesus again for blessing us with a wonderful day in Philadelphia on Tuesday....again...whew...what a day! It was an amazing day of exploring and learning at the Penn Museum, eating Philly cheesesteaks on South Street and seeing the Liberty Bell. GPS lady guided through the city...and I kept my cool even when finding parking was a bit of an issue. God directed the whole day and His countenance shone through each of us onto each other. I am a blessed mommy and daughter.
-Thank you Lord for friends. You know, as I have gotten older, God has taught me so much about friendship and it isn't how many friends you have. Friendships are investments. I don't take them lightly. If you are my friend, I invest in you because I love you, hopefully with the love of Jesus. You make me a better person in Christ Jesus and you bring me to His feet over and over again. Godly friendships are a gift from God as together we seek after Him, as opposed to the ways of the world. I am richer for the Godly friends Jesus has given me.
Today, Jill, at Forever n Ever n Always gave me this Friendship award. She is such a beacon of God's light, love and Truth. She boldly shares her faith in Christ Jesus and loves me for who I am. She encourages me. She prays with me and for me. God has filled her with so much wisdom in the short amount of time that she has been a believer and I truly believe that is because she seeks after Him continually, fervently and unabashedly. She immerses herself in Truth and where there is truth, no darkness can prevail. She is a gift, and a gem. I am humbled and honored that she calls me friend. Isn't the award beautiful....her daughter, Lexi, designed it!

Thank you Jill for this beautiful award and for sharing your heart with me. I love you!
Thank you Jesus for my friend Beth. She and I have watched over the years, as God has taken our friendship to knew heights. I am so thankful for her friendship and for her heart for Jesus. When I am with Beth, I can be silly. I can be playful. I can be completely transparent and she will love me all the same. She has walked the valleys with me and she has touched the mountaintop with me. She is a faithful friend. She and I met at Starbucks on Monday night as we haven't been able to spend as much time together. I thank you Jesus for Monday night. I thank you that you have given me a friend who is honest, who loves you so much and who isn't self seeking, who always wants to go deeper. If Beth were a blogging kinda girl...she would get this award from me! I love you.
-I am thankful for all of my blogging friends whom God has taken our lives and our testimonies and woven them together allowing our paths to cross through this blogging world. I am so thankful and blessed by so many of you who have introduced yourself, emailed me, and shown me Jesus as He's living inside of you. I wish we lived around the corner from each other to sit face to face and share even more. Someday....
My heart is truly full this week of all of God's goodness. He never ceases to amaze me, thrill me and sweep me off of my feet. We serve a God who deserves our honor and praises.
I pray we each take the time to shower God with our thanksgivings....from the least to the greatest....
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James 1:17
With Thanksgiving,Stacy
May God always protect your family sweetie.
Ahhhh, is how I felt at the end of this post Stacy. Pure rest in Him!
I love all that you wrote. I love that I get to share it with you off of this blog and be a part in what God is doing in your life!
I am so sorry the farm was far and so big - that I didn't even think to warn you of that. I'm so glad you had such a good time. I agree it is a hike and huge - but the time we have outweighs all of that every time we go there. The children really do have a blast!
Not to mention those apples are YUMMY! This weekend we are making our first vegan homemade apple pie. Wish me luck you know I'm not a good baker! Lexi is hungry to start cooking some different and exciting things around here - love You Lord for that!!! I get to benefit from her tasty treats :)
There is no need to thank me for all that I said about you and what you mean to me, our family and all that know you. Honestly, Stacy it has been such a blessing in so many ways for me I can't thank you enough for allowing me into your heart and life. It has been a joy! God has taught me so much about me, friendship, love and honoring Him in all of my words, etc through our friendship. I could just keep thanking you!
What you said about me humbles me and made me cry. The tears that fall are ones that come from Him. You gave me a compliment that can only come because you see Him! He is rejoicing in my heart I feel His presence when I saw what you wrote. He knows the journey He taken me on to get me to this point and it is because of people like you in my life that I am able to get where I am today. Standing firmly on the ROCK of our LORD!
I praise Him and can't thank Him enough for the honor of being your friend and Sister! You are a precious gem in my life!
Sorry this was so long - but I want everyone who comes to this blog to know that what they read is your sincerist heart and I am blessed to hug you on a regular basis!
I love sitting at the feet of Jesus with you and for you! I'm thanking our Father right now for you!
Love you bunches!!!!
Thank you for posting. You always have such encouraging posts. May the Lord be with you this Friday!
I love reading your posts, you are so good with words & I feel your heart as you write. Have a blessed and restful weekend. Can't wait to see pics from the apple orchard.
I found your site from Tonya (Safe In His Arms) and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your site! We have so much in common as I also have ALL boys and one little girl. :) And we lost a son to cancer so I understand your grief!
You have such a beautiful family and your post truly blessed me today! How blessed you are to have such a full heart. Have a great weekend.
What a truly wonderful Thankful Thursday post, your thankful heart just jumps off this computer screen and imparts joy and peace!! Thanks so much for taking the time to blog and to share what God is teaching you and showing you... you are a blessing to me thru this world of blogging!
Have a wonderful weekend!
wonderful TT post. i esp loved what you wrote about friendships. thank you for blessing me with your writing today.
I am new here.. Came over from Safe in His arms.
I LOVED that song in your most recent post. It had me in tears. Thank you for sharing it.
I love your thankful thursday. Thanks for sharing your heart. I am blessed for it and for having read the sweet comments from yor sisters in christ.. You are blessed indeed!
Hello Stacy,
It's nice to meet you. :)
I noticed that we both seem to appreciate Jill from Forever and Ever and Always - only it sounds like you know her personally. That's the only thing about blogging I don't like, sometimes you wish you could meet the people in real life and be there real life friend. Oh well...can't have everything!
Your family is beautiful. I was so glad to come here and sort of meet them too. I'm so sorry that you have to live without your sweet little Joshua. It hard to live without our children - but I personally praise God that I will live with them all again someday and for ETERNITY! Isn't that exciting! Oh how I praise God for Jesus and his loving sacrifice for this wretched sinner.
By the way, if you'd like to add my website to your ministry sites, it would be a blessing to me and hopefully to others too. It is called Growing Through Affliction. Also, would you be interested sharing your story (about Joshua)(or anything that you feel would minister to others who are hurting)?- Please prayerfully consider whether that would be something you would like to be a part of.
It was fun visiting here today.
A Sister from Kansas.
Lynnette K.
PS Thanks for making me feel better about my "Grandma" experience. It bothered me WAY too much - HA! I'm over it now (I think.) Yes, I agree, Harrison is blessed to have me with 40 year old "maturity". I have a long ways to go, but believe me I was realing hurtin' in that department 18 years ago! ha!
Thank you for thhis
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